Day 2: In-Class Diagnostic Exam

In-class diagnostic exam:

This exercise fulfills several purposes. The first is to give me a place to start the course. I will assess your organization, logical flow of ideas, clarity of explanations, grammar, vocabulary and style in order to get to know your writing and learn how best to help you this semester. The second, but perhaps primary purpose is to give YOU a starting point for evaluating and improving your own writing performance. Note also that you must be a preapproved/registered attendee in order to take the diagnostic exam.

If you miss this exam, you will need to schedule a make-up session with me.

You will have the entire period minutes to complete the exam. You will not be able to access the internet during this time. When you're finished, upload it to your shared, dropbox folder that you created on Wednesday. Save the file as 115 Diagnostic_FirstnameLastname and upload it to your "Unit 1" folder.

**IMPORTANT! Once you have uploaded, do not touch this document! Opening it will change your last modified date, indicating that you changed the document after the due date. You will then have to retake the exam. I will be reviewing your essays this week and we will begin discussing and revising them on next week.