Reflective Paper #1

Due: Monday, January 31 by 11:00 in Dropbox.

Write a short essay (about 1-1.5 pages in length)--10-12pt, double spaced--entitled “My Writing Process” in which you explain the writing steps that you generally go through when planning and writing an academic paper. Please organize and write an honest and detailed account of how you have tackled and completed writing assignments in the past. Name the file "Reflection1_process_name" and put it in your dropbox in a folder called "Reflection Papers" (create this folder within your ESL115F folder). (or however you have decided to have students submit papers)

You will need to include in ESSAY format, not bullet format:

—A description of the type of writing assignments that you have encountered in your program of study.
—Your step-by-step procedure, that is, what you actually do to fulfill the task.
—Statements of rationale for the different steps of your procedure (why do you do it that way?)
—A discussion section in which you evaluate your procedure for writing an academic paper. If there are problems with your procedure, please identify them.
— Please time yourself and spend no more than 60 minutes on your essay.

***Please note: Honest writing is the most helpful.