Day 19: Responding to Arguments

Today we continue our discussion of argument by learning how to respond to the arguments of others. This is a skill that we use in our daily lives as well as in our writing.

You and your boyfriend / girlfriend / best friend decide to see a movie together, but you can’t agree on which one to see.  Here is your friend’s argument:

  • “I really want to see the new horror movie.  It got great reviews and I know people who have seen it        and said it’s really good.  Besides, that actor we both like is in it.  The movie came out a few weeks ago, so it won’t be in the theaters much longer.  Let’s go see that one!”

You, however, really planned on seeing another movie, a new release.  How would you respond to your friend in order to convince him or her that you should see your movie? Discuss in groups.

Responding to Arguments Handout

Debate on Monday!