Literature Reviews

1. One of the crucial elements of a Research Paper is its Literature Review section. What is a Literature Review? A Literature Review is NOT about fiction novels. The term “Literature” refers to the main ideas of all the information you can find on a SINGLE topic. If you are writing a paper on car accidents, then you would talk about drunk drivers, percentage of accidents that occur during the day/night, fatalities, accident reports, and studies on car safety. The “Literature” of a Literature Review is all of the information collected of ONE relevant topic.

2. Remember, always be unbiased and fair in your Literature Review. Steer clear of quotations. Don’t offer your opinion of the literature. However, you can make sound predictions of “things to come” based on the Literature! Also, the Literature Review will come before your Methods and Results section of your paper under the Introduction portion. This is NOT your Introduction. Put your Literature Review paragraph after your Introduction paragraph.

In Class Tasks:
1. After watching this youtube clip of a car accident (second slide of the PowerPoint), in your groups of three or four, ask you instructor the questions on your Literature Review Car Accident worksheet. Fill in your instructor’s responses.

2. Together in your groups, write a paragraph about the information you’ve collected. Be unbiased. Give only the facts. If you want to give predictions of what may or may not have happened based solely on the information given, that is acceptable.

3. When finished with your paragraph, fill out the Literature Review Check List. Does your paragraph meet all of the requirements? If no, revise your paragraph so that it does.

4. Upload one paragraph per group into Dropbox.

5. Finish the PowerPoint slides that give further detail of the Literature Review.

Please vote in the research topics poll so we can determine a topic for the guided research paper. Remember, your second draft of the Summary/Critique essay is due TOMORROW night at 11:59 pm to Dropbox.